Gluten-Free Protein Bars – Protect Yourself from Celiac and Gluten Disease

Gluten-Free Protein Bars

A study shows that, about 1% of the people living all over the world have Celiac disease. What exactly is Celiac disease? It is a disease in which the body becomes unable to absorb nutrients thus, causing malabsorption. To prevent malabsorption from happening, one needs to eliminate gluten completely from their diet. In order for this to happen, one must understand what exactly gluten is and where it comes from? And how will the person know he or she has Celiac disease?

Gluten-free Protein Bars

It is a complex protein, a combination of two sub category proteins; Gliadin and Glutenin. The word ‘Gluten’ comes from the Latin word ‘Glue’, which aptly describes the protein’s function –keeping the stuff together so that the food is chewy. The protein gives the dough an elastic feel, which is also used in hair products and cosmetics. Gluten has a chalk like taste, which is similar to the taste of corn-starch.

Where Is Gluten Extracted From?

Gluten comes from grains such as wheat, rye, oats, barley and others. Food items that contain gluten includes crackers, breads, pastas, beer, pizza dough, ice cream and processed meat such as veggie burgers, energy bars, hotdogs, soy sauce as well as pastries, salad dressing, candies like liquorice and more. Most food eaten today has gluten in it which makes it completely hard for people to maintain a diet free of gluten.

How Can One Know He Or She Has Celiac Disease?

There has been about 300 symptoms discovered that lets you know you have Celiac disease. However, some people show no signs when they have the disease. This makes it hard for doctors to detect it in a potential patient. Studies show that it takes around six to ten years for a person to be correctly diagnosed. Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Headache
  • Severe stomach pains
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhoea
  • Acid Reflux
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Seizures
  • Bloating
  • Mouth sores

Is Celiac Disease Genetic?

Celiac disease can carry down generations, which means if one family member has it, chances are other family members will have it too. At a certain point in life, during some important event it gets triggered. It can either be triggered by something big such as pregnancy or something small such as emotional stress. The disease is not gender specific and can occur in people of all ages.

Treatment Options

There is no treatment option for Celiac disease up until now. All people can do is switch their diet to a non-gluten one. There are now many food options among which gluten-free protein bars are the most popular. Bakeries now carry gluten-free cupcakes, brownies, cookies and cakes. Therefore, now you can enjoy desert after a balanced meal without any worry.

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